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Multigenerational Worship

Years ago, someone was likely tired of kids being restless in church. They likely thought “we can solve this problem by pulling out the children and having their own worship service.” If you want to spend 5 minutes getting a chuckle, check . . . → Read More: Multigenerational Worship


My wife is a woman of great faith. Throughout our marriage, she has prayed boldly for some audacious prayer requests. Some of these bold requests I disagreed with, most infamously that God would test us financially. I didn’t understand why she wanted to pray that, but God did answer that prayer, . . . → Read More: Selfish


How Do You Honor the Sabbath When You Work for a Church?

The fourth commandment in the 10 commandments is to honor the Sabbath. The first four commandments deal with our relationship with God, and the remaining six commands deal with our relationships to others. The commandments that precede it talk . . . → Read More: Sabbath

Unlikely Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is quickly approaching and is a week from today. It is always a season that I enjoy, with fall being my favorite time of year. It is highly anticipated as we look forward to being with family and celebrating the faithfulness of God. Our worship program is in charge of . . . → Read More: Unlikely Thanksgiving


I just noticed that the last 6 blog posts (including this one) all had words ending with “-tion”. Guess I am on a “-tion” direction, predilection, or inclination.

Some of the comments on the 1st Reformation post got me thinking about this question: what is the different between “reformation” and “transformation”? . . . → Read More: Transformation

Reformation, Part 2

I love the comments about what needs to be reformed about worship and church life today. Several commented that reformation must start with the individual. This was true with Martin Luther, and it is true today. God is in the business of reforming, and we should ourselves be working to be . . . → Read More: Reformation, Part 2

The “Will” to Worship

Before you can worship, one must make a choice to worship. Often people will choose to worship whole-heartedly when things are going well for them. They have received the blessings of God, and are willing to give thanks and worship God as He has shown favor on them. Benevolent gods are easy to worship.

. . . → Read More: The “Will” to Worship

When Worship is Dead

John Piper “Where feelings for God are dead, worship is dead.” Desiring God, p. 68

Malachi, the last book of the Old Testament, starts out with a surprising and sobering commentary on worship and on the relationship of God’s people with Himself. Chapter 1 says:

2 “I have loved you,” says . . . → Read More: When Worship is Dead