Recent Comments

Reformation, Part 2

I love the comments about what needs to be reformed about worship and church life today. Several commented that reformation must start with the individual. This was true with Martin Luther, and it is true today. God is in the business of reforming, and we should ourselves be working to be . . . → Read More: Reformation, Part 2


In working with students who are beginning their college careers, I often encourage them to be diligent about their academic efforts. Although it may seem basic, small things like going to class, being engaged, and turning in papers on time can make the difference between academic success and failure. With the . . . → Read More: Reputation

Reflections on Love

Roses are red, violets are blue, I saw a sticker, that Darwin loves you?

Bumper stickers have always amused me. Some clever, some controversial, some political, some simply helping hold the bumper on the dilapidated car. I was on the way home from church on Sunday, and was “blessed” to see . . . → Read More: Reflections on Love


We have just finished the Thanksgiving season this year. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are also history–for this year. Leftovers are almost gone, and perhaps so is our emphasis on thankfulness. I wonder how long the season really lasts. What is our “attitude of gratitude”?

Ingratitude is a bad thing. I . . . → Read More: Ingratitude


I hate running. Ethan, my son, has finally guilted me into running with him a couple of times a week since August. At first, my body screamed with rejection. What are you doing to me!?! The last time I had just run for “fun” was in a year that started with . . . → Read More: Running